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Information Technology Support Services

The Information Technology Helpdesk is the primary technical service and support contact for members of the Bay Path community and can assist with a wide variety of technology-related issues. We are dedicated to providing high-quality and efficient day-to-day IT support and are fully committed to helping students succeed on their journey.


The A&IT Helpdesk's mission is to provide Bay Path University community members with quality service, focusing on consistent and efficient support. The A&IT Helpdesk is charged with:

  • Performing first contact resolution whenever possible and assigning or escalating issues as required.

  • Informing members of the Bay Path community of service-related changes or outages via proactive communication.

  • Provide ad-hoc training to improve service utilization.

Support Hours

Throughout the summer, the IT helpdesk is available Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM to answer any support questions.

Contact Information

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