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How to Use the Avaya IX Workplace Softphone

Avaya IX Workplace is a software application for employees of the university. With a softphone, calls are placed using desktop software, rather than a physical phone. Softphones use your device’s speakers and microphone to make the calls, however, we suggest using headphones for the best call quality. This document will walk through the steps to use the IX Workplace Softphone.

If anything is unclear or confusing in this article, please contact the A&IT Helpdesk via email at or via phone at (413)565-1487.

Due to licensing constraints, A&IT needs to manually assign licenses for this service. Licenses are only available for employees of the university. Please submit a ticket at and we'll be more than happy to assist.

There are six main features in the softphone app as shown in the figure below.

1. Call History

2. Voicemail

3. Settings

4. Contacts/ Directory

5. Keypad

6. Call Status

Follow the steps below to use these features

  1. Select the Call History (clock) icon. This will show your call history. You can select the user to call back.

  2. You can also select the arrow next to History to see Missed, Incoming, and Outgoing calls.

  3. If you select the voicemail button, it will dial into the voicemail system. You will also get a red notification when you have a voicemail waiting.

  4. If you select the settings gear, you can see the settings menu. Select audio/ video from the menu.

  5. You will be able to select your audio devices to use during your calls.

  6. If you select the Contacts (person) icon, you will see the Contacts page.

  7. You can search for someone in the directory by their last name. Select the receiver to call them.

  8. Select the keypad to make calls. Use the prefix 7 before external calls.

  9. If you select your profile icon, you will see the call status menu.

  10. Selecting Do not Disturb from this menu will send your calls to voicemail.

The app must be fully closed to not receive calls through the app.

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