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Setting Up Duo on Your Smartphone or Tablet

The following will walk you through the initial setup of the DUO mobile app and multi-factor authentication on your Bay Path user account

For more information on Duo Multifactor Authentication, see this article: What is Duo?

If anything is unclear or confusing in this article, please contact the A&IT Helpdesk via email at or via phone at (413)565-1487.

The first time you try to sign into one of the University's services, such as Gmail or the My Bay Path portal, you'll be prompted to enroll in Duo, the University's Multi-Factor Authentication service. The enrollment process will walk you through how to set up a device to be used as a second factor to identify who you are. The University supports the following device types:

  • Smart Phones: Your smartphone must be running Android, iOS (iPhone), or Windows Phone.

  • Tablets: Your tablet must be running Android, iOS, or TabletOS (iPad).

  • Hardware Tokens: We support U2F compatible hardware tokens such as Yubikey. More information about U2F devices can be found here

  • Touch ID: If you have a newer Macbook Pro or Macbook Air and you have a Touch ID sensor, you can use the Touch ID sensor with Chrome. If you'd like to enroll using Touch ID, please follow the enrollment guide here.

This walk-through will walk you through the enrollment process for a smartphone. While the enrollment process can be completed on a smartphone or tablet, we strongly suggest you use a computer to go through the enrollment process. During the enrollment process, you'll need to scan a QR code to tie your device to Duo, and this is very difficult to do if you're going through the enrollment process using the same smartphone or tablet that you're going to register as your second factor.

Note: During this process, you will be expected to install an app on your mobile device. The app can be found in either the Apple App Store or Android Google Play Store.

Step #1: When you sign into a Bay Path service that is single sign-on (SSO) enabled, such as Gmail, Canvas, or the My Bay Path portal, you'll be asked to protect your Bay Path University account.  To start, click "Start Setup."

Step #2: Select the type of device that you would like to use for Multi-Factor Authentication. 

Step #3: Enter the phone number of the device that you are enrolling. Double-check that you've entered the correct phone number and check the box to confirm you've entered the correct number. Once you're sure that the information you've entered is correct, click Continue

Step #4: Choose the type of device you're enrolling.

Step #5. You will now need to install Duo Mobile on your mobile device. On your mobile device, browse to your App store and download Duo Mobile. 

If you're an Android user, click or tap here

If you're an iPhone user, click or tap here. 

Once you have Duo Mobile installed on your smart device, click on I have Duo Mobile installed

Step #6: On your mobile device, open Duo Mobile. Hit the "Get Started" button in the Duo Mobile App. Scan the QR Code.

Step #7: Once you see "Bay Path University" in the Duo Mobile app, you are finished!

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